MOT Quality Control Scheme

RMI Standards and Certification delivers the RMI’s MOT QC Scheme to its members. 

The scheme consists of one or two visits per year (member’s choice). More frequent checks can be arranged if required. A member of the RMI-dedicated MOT Operations Team will visit and conduct an objective external check on the VTS MOT:

  • Premises
  • Administration
  • Security
  • Equipment
  • Data Analysis (Test Quality Information (TQI) and a random sample of a test log checked)
  • Observed test on one MOT (can be live or a demo)

Additional observed tests of other Testers and additional testing bays can be added to visit for a small additional cost.

At the end of the visit, verbal advice will be given of any shortcomings to the Site Manager or site representative. Any shortcomings noticed during the test will be discussed with the Tester and advice given, followed by a written report.

The prime aim of the RMI MOT QC audit is to make the AE aware of any compliance issues that could lead to disciplinary action or unsatisfactory outcome if noted by DVSA. Our audit will also check how the VTS’s own procedures are working to maintain MOT compliance.

AEC Role

Members of the RMI MOT QC scheme can add our Auditor as an Authorised Examiner Consultant (AEC) to their site as a role on MTS. Our auditor can then preview some statistical information relating to the VTS and Testers and be better equipped to conduct your audit when we arrive on site, causing less disruption to you. This also allows us to conduct this check even if a designated role holder is not on site for any reason. You may also choose to have your audit conducted unannounced, which would better replicate what DVSA would find if they arrive unannounced.

Single Testers at a VTS

DVSA rules now stipulate that a single Tester at a VTS still needs an objective assessment of their testing standards.

We can extend our QC scheme to checks of a single Tester every other month if requested, and we have a relevant staff member available for the location and class of vehicle required. This would be a total of six observed QC checks per year and includes two site audits.

MOT QC Scheme Benefits

1. The precautionary audit will assist in identifying shortcomings and issues which, if noted by DVSA during their visits, could lead to disciplinary action or unsatisfactory outcomes.

2. Evidence of external MOT QC schemes will be taken into account by DVSA and could lead to a reduction of level of sanction taken if a disciplinary action is contemplated by DVSA.

3. RMI MOT QC scheme visits will check a Tester of the VTS’s choice during the visit, so can be used as additional monitoring of a Tester to complement and compare the VTS’s own internal checks.

4. Staff that conduct audits are aware of current DVSA trends and testing changes and can pass this information onto the member.

5. Should disciplinary or withdrawal action be taken by DVSA, an MOT QC member would benefit from a substantial discount if they use our full appeals services (review of evidence, discussions with Authorised Examiner and Tester, preparation of appeal representation and forwarding to DVSA). Prices for appeals are dependent on the case; please contact us for a quote by calling 01788 538 399 or emailing 

Please call us on 01788 538 399 if you would like to find out more information about this service, or email us at